Compatible with iOS 10 to 14

This Tweak(LocationHandleX) is made for Location Based Games
Like:Pokemon Go
PS:Play Location Based Games and use LocationHandleX

You can set the Base Coordinate by Drag the map
Also you can set the Base Coordinate by searching (two way).
1. Address Search: type address in search field and click search button
2. Coordinate Search: type "#:latitude,longitude" in search field and click search button(example:[#:-33.88066224,151.21230845])
Choose the mode and turn on the switch, then the tweak will work.

There are four mode: Normal, Offset, Automatic, Manual
Normal: It will change your reality location to the Base Coordinate only

Offset: It will change your reality location to the Base Coordinate and any moves will effect by Base Coordinate, work perfectly in any APP but Map App

Automatic: It will change your reality location around the Base Coordinate automatically, also you can change speed.

Manual: It will add a Joystick(Gamepad) to any APP, your can change your reality location in any APP by Joystick(Gamepad), and it is almost Real-time.


Updated April 21, 2022
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