To report issues feel free to send me email carefully describing the problem at
Known Issues in iOS6:
- Some toggles may not work yet, some are written by third party authors such as airplane.
- IOS6 support bug fixes
- If you use "IP" as your string for your carrier, it will insert the last numeric nibble of the IP address over the carrier name. (Make sure you delete the first space in "IP" so it's not " IP".
- Fix: Refreshing of IP address in ios5 notification center now refreshes everytime you drop the window down.
- Fix: Hiding icons list in more app now shows app icons.
- Fix: Location toggle fixed for iOS 5.0 in latest toggle pack.
- Fix: Lockscreen drop down window now displays on lockscreen when feature enabled.
- Fix: Fix user dir permissions no longer covered by keyboard.
- New: Updated default options for ios5 notification area to show more buttons on the left.
- New: reorganized menus a bit to be a bit less cluttered.
- New: added notification center landscape mode support and ipad support.
- New: Added support for iOS5 notification section. To use this, enable it in the more app, then set it up in the iphone settings app.
- New: Completely reworked the more app for iOS5.
- New: Updated icon from Surenix including retina icon.
- New: Thanks again to Surenix, new uniform icon set for more app.
- New: Added more app icon to springboard. You can hide this in the more button. But this way if you get into safe mode, it will be there for you to use and possibly debug a problem (in mobile substrate section).
- Internal: Reworked how selected toggles work. This was required to allow for separate selection of toggles for window vs notification area. There may be some one-time weirdness when setting which toggles you want on or off. It will default using the old method, but once you set them all the first time, they should keep their settings.
- Fix: Updated fix blanks button to hopefully not crash when more than one blank exists
- Fix: Hopefully fixed the more app crashing when one of the ads cannot load.
- Fix: When moving toggles order, added back the "save" button so user knows to press "save" to save changes.
- Fix: Lock screen buttons when you hit the power button on the lock screen. Removed lock and the title so it fits.
- Fix: Internal window ordering in main drop down window to help compatibility issue with folder enhancer.
- New: Added option to more app, system options, to delete the carrier name to give more space to statusbar for things like date and free memory.
- New: Included Max's Serious SBSettings HD theme that adds a retina icons display theme to default sbsettings. Thanks to Max at for this great theme!
- New: Added retina icons for the more app for retina displays. Thanks to 42395_skyline for these icons!
- New: Added support for springboard key that was used by makeitmine app. This means that installing SBSettings should actually fix makeitmine. (I did this because it's needed for the delete carrier name option).
- Toggles: Removed phone toggle from default. It doesn't work on 4.2.1 and newer devices. Use airplane instead. (Phone toggle is now installable via separate package in cydia for older devices).
- Fix: Fixed statusbar free memory / date display on iOS 4.2.1
- Fix: Prevented IPv6 IP Addresses from showing as valid IP Addresses in the main window.
- Fix: Fixed permissions on SBSettings data storage folder that were messed up in some cases causing things like fast notes to not be able to save its notes.
- Fix: Fixed more app mobile substrate screen where you could not access last row.
- New: Added developer API to refresh all toggles by calling notify_post( "com.sbsettings.refreshalltoggles" );
- Fix: Fixed formatting in help screens.
- Fix: 3.1.0-1 solves theoretical crash of more app that no one reported, but could in some cases.
- Fix: Fixed the iOS4 3g crashing in hidden icons, dock, and folders.
- Fix: Re-added iOS4 rotation sensing (found another way to do it!). Window rotates again.
- Fix: Redid the more-app GUI to use a standardized apple style interface.
- New: Added global activator launch settings for SBSettings window to more app. You can also get to these in settings app.
- Fix: iPad IP Address may show 3g when wifi is connected.
- New: Option to add an arrow on top of window like a UIPopover on iPad.
- New: Added ability for respring to be themed by adding respringscreen.png to the theme selected
- Fix: Fixed issue where statusbar free memory were not updating regularly enough.
- New: iPad only added statusbar SSID option.
- Fix: Some minor cosmetic issues.