Compatible with iOS 5, 6, 7 and 8
Requires iPad
5 Row Customizable Keyboard
It will work on iPad which has iOS 5.x firmware. Tested on iPad2 iOS 5.0.1. Portrait, Landscape, Split modes are supported.
This tweak replaces Russian keyboard and makes it customizable to most countries and languages those are not included in native iOS (iPad). After installing this tweak add 5 Row keyboard by going to Setting > General > Keyboard > International Keyboards > Add new keyboard > choose 5 Row.
4 keyboard rows and its 44 keys can be modified easily by going to Settings > 5RowKeyboard.
Enter exact number of characters (shown in parentheses), Update and Respring to use new keyboard. Or you can copy and paste characters from browser, notes, email etc. If number of characters aren't exact it will still show default Mongolian Cyrillic
* Auto-correction may not work properly. Please disable it when necessary.
Configure options from Settings app.
See larger Screenshots are below