Compatible with iOS 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10

App Activate Pro is a tweak that lets you assign actions to single tapping, double tapping, triple tapping or tapping and holding an icon on your home screen. The actions are assigned using Activator. Actions can be assigned to as many apps as you want.

Here are some examples of things that you can do with App Activate Pro:
- Set up the Phone icon so that double tap, triple tap and tap and hold each call a favorite contact.
- Double tap the Maps or Google Maps icon to start navigation home and tap and hold the Map icon to start navigation home (requires the tweak Activate Link).
- Double tap the Music icon to play or pause music.
- Double tap the Mail icon to start writing an email.
- Double tap the Twitter icon to start writing a tweet.
- Double tap the Facebook icon to start composing a post.
- Double tap the Messages icon to write a message or Quick Compose a message using BiteSMS.
- Triple tap the Messages icon to write a message to a favorite contact.
- Double tap the Weather icon to launch Siri and have Siri tell you what the weather forecast is (requires the tweak Ask Assistant).
- Tap the Camera icon to take a picture and double tap the Camera icon to launch the Camera app.
- Double tap the Settings icon to open the Wi-Fi settings page and triple tap the Settings icon to open the Location Services settings page.
- Tap and hold the Settings icon to toggle Airplane Mode.
- Double tap the Cydia icon to respring your phone and tap and hold the Cydia icon to reboot your phone.
- Double tap the Clock app to turn you lights on and off or start making a coffee if you have home automation devices with a web API (requires the tweak activate command).
- Double tap the Safari icon to go to a home page.
- Double tap the Calendar icon to ask Siri what appointments you have today and tap and hold the Calendar icon to ask Siri what appointments you have tomorrow or this week (requires the tweak Ask Assistant).
- Tap the Calendar icon to launch Fantastical and double tap the Calendar icon to launch the Apple Calendar app.
- Tap and hold the Music icon to ask Siri to play a favorite playlist (requires the tweak Ask Assistant).
- Create a web link with a flashlight icon and tap it to toggle the flashlight.

There are many other things you can do depending on your imagination.

See larger Screenshots below..

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Support added for iOS 10
Updated February 6, 2017
License Commercial Package
Suggested Price $ 0.99
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