Like many people, you’ve got personal information on your phones and you wouldn’t want certain people to see. Using Appro, you can easily protect your applications and privacy on your iDevice to prevent unwanted users from seeing anything important.

One license can register 3 devices, upgrade, jailbreak unaffected

Support ios5.x - ios8.x

Compatible with iphone, ipad, ipod and arm64

New Feature:
Plug-in: Appro support plug-in extensions, you can choose to install the plug-in you want to better protect your privacy


1. Who Moved My App
If others try to access a protected app and validation fails, the camera will capture the operator's face automatically, and save it to album.

2. Voice Warning
You can record an warning audio, Played when if others try to access a protected app and validation fails.

3. Lock App
- Activate from SpringBoard
- Activate from Switcher
- Activate from Bulletin
- Activate from other app
- Lock Newsstand

4. Hide App
- Hide icon on SpringBoard
- Hide Newsstand
- Support Hidden WhiteList
- If app has been hidden, it can not open from anywhere, only can open it by using Appro, but if you want hide app and other launcher can activate the hidden app, drag the app to "Hidden WhiteList"

5. Protect photos(hide or lock)
- Activate from Camera
- Activate from Settings
- Activate from SpringBoard
- Activate from Switcher
- Activate from Bulletin
- Activate from other app

6. Lock All App
- Appro can lock all Applications easily

7. Rename App
- Change app name
- Rename Newsstand(>=ios7)
- Rename biteSMS

8. Block Notification
- Block app notification
- It is more powerful and useful than change notification in system settings

9. Open app using Appro
- Appro can open if the app has been locked or hidden

10. Using Groups
- You can use groups to manage apps, make operate simple and easily
- Apps can drag between groups

11. Appro Ball
- A float ball on SpringBoard, can drag it to any position, or hide it

12. Appro Gesture
- Gesture to show or hide Appro Ball on SpringBoard

13. Appro Ball Color
- Color selector for "Appro Ball", Can change it at appro settings

14. PasscodeUI style
- Can change the passcodeUI style at appro settings

15. Support English and Chinese

"More features" & "User manual" & "Movie Demos" at

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Updated January 14, 2015
License Commercial Package
Suggested Price $ 2.99
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