Requires iOS 6 or higher.
Compatible and tested with iPad, iPod Touch, and iPhones
Requires iMessage account OR SMS service with carrier.

AutoResponder 2 will make it so no one who texts or iMessages you ever feels ignored again! Have you ever gotten messages while in a meeting, in school, in a movie, or even while in deep sleep? AutoResponder will make sure that anyone who messages you knows that you are unable to respond and will get back to them as soon as possible.

AutoResponder 2 supports iMessages and SMS messages. It also has a whitelist that is user configurable so that those select few can get the special treatment of not getting an automated reply so that they can get a personalized response from you!

AutoResponder 2 lets you write your own response for any occasion!

AutoResponder 2 will reply to any text or iMessage that you receive while it is enabled and send the selected message to the person and you don't even have to do anything or hit any send button! Make sure your friends and family never feel ignored again!

*Please note: This WILL use SMS messages from your carrier's plan if it is replying to a text message, if you do not have a plan or have a very limited plan, please use this app cautiously with SMS replies as texts can build up quite quickly. This does not send texts for free unless you have a free texting plan.

See larger Screenshots below..

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[New] Signature Option - Add a signature to all your AutoResponses!

[Addition] Added a couple delay times less than a minute, down to 10 seconds.
Updated March 14, 2013
License Commercial Package
Suggested Price $ 2.99
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