Your pocket mirror.

Requires iOS 7
Compatible with all iPhones, iPods
not compatible with iPad

We love looking at ourselves. We’re always worried about our looks. This is why some of us carry a pocket mirror around or we simply stop by near a mirror to see our faces. Why should we do all that hassle if we have the most advanced devices with us? This is where ayna comes in handy. “ayna” means mirror in several languages. It’s one of the most simplistic yet practical tweaks you’ll ever use. Using ayna is extremely simple. Just Tap and Hold the Camera Grabber on the Lock-screen or the Camera Shortcut in the Control Center, then you’ll see the magic. It takes up the whole screen so there are no distractions. No ugly buttons or switches. To dismiss ayna, simply tap on the screen bottom. There are no settings to configure. Thanks to my Mom for the original idea. ayna is completely free, so it is obviously worth trying.


Updated February 5, 2014
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