BBM on steroids. This tweak adds certain functions to BBM that's impossible with the stock app.
The tweak adds features that are previously impossible for the stock BBM app to accomplish. Its simple, just install, and go to the preferences panel and disable / enable the parts of the tweak you want enabled.
Tweak Features
- Disable showing message as read (until you reply the message)
- Hide "is writing a message..." notification.
- Disable Ads on from displaying on BBM
- Send unlimited PING!!!
- Disable Screenshot Notification on timed messages / photos.
- Unlimited timer on timed messages / photos.
Go to Settings > BBMPLUS and activate/deactivate some settings.
Configure options from Settings.
If after updating it doesn't work as intended, rare but possible,
1. Uninstall BBMPLUS
2. delete the file "/var/mobile/Library /Preferences/" then respring your device.
3. Reinstall
Everything should work fine now.