Available for the iPhone 5S
BioLaunch allows you to use your fingerprint as a smart app launcher. Using Touch ID, you can launch any application by the touch of your finger.
What makes BioLaunch so smart is the ability to automatically set your most used application to be launched. The amount you use every application is saved to ensure your favorite app is always the one set to launch. This is an optional feature, as you can manually set the application you want to launch.
The other features that make BioLaunch great is the confirmation alert you get on a successful fingerprint read, so no unnecessary app launches can occur. You can have your device vibrate quickly on a fingerprint read. Also the 2 Touch Launch feature is great because it will also help avoid unnecessary launches (enabling this feature is highly recommended if you have any other Touch ID tweaks).
BioLaunch is fully compatible with Lockdown Pro, BioProtect, BioLockdown and VirtualHome.
Configure options from Settings.
See larger Screenshots below..