Connect, disconnect, and detect Bluetooth devices via Activator.

Bluepicker allows you to connect and disconnect from paired devices using simple Activator actions. Choose a device from Bluepicker's selection sheet to connect or disconnect, and viola! Bluepicker also includes an Activator event, so you can assign any action you want to device connections and disconnections. Oh, and if you forgot to turn Bluetooth on before triggering, Bluepicker will handle that for you too.

Requires iOS 6 or 7. Source available on Github. Configure Activator from Settings.


- Fixed ridiculous home button issue with iPhones
- Fixed temperamental action sheet dismissing/presentation on iPhones

- Reimplemented and optimized for iOS 8
- Supports iPad, finally!
- Bug fixes and improvements, all the ones I could find
- Refactoring and streamlining, this also means the developer documentation is slightly different (see Github for more info)

Updated July 15, 2015
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