Compatible with iOS 9

Brevis is a epic tweak to allow you to modify many aspects of the 3D Touch shortcuts. Including font sizes, icon sizes, icon only option, optimization settings with more to come.

Make feature requests via my email:

Have any issues be sure to email me and I will do my best to help you out.


Configure options from Settings.


New Features:
Font Colour: Change the title text colour and the subtitle text color.
Corner Radius: Adjust the corner radius of the shortcut menu.
Alpha Level: Adjust the alpha level of the shortcut menu.
Easter Eggs: Added two easter eggs. Find them if you can.
Improved preference management. All settings now save without respring.
Improved settings layout. Find settings easier.
Bug fixes:
Fixed issue with enable switch not disabling everything.
Fixed issue with icons being in the wrong place the wrong time.
Fixed preference link issues.
Fixed issue with text disappearing when font size was set below 10.
Fixed issue where having no blur and no text caused safemode.
Fixed random resprings for older devices.
Updated April 21, 2016
License Commercial Package
Suggested Price $ 1.00
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