Compatible with iOS 10
Requires Spotify from AppStore

Brightify | A Lighter Look for Spotify.

Brightify replaces the dark colors of Spotify with light ones, for improved daylight visibility.

Brightify also integrates with Noctis, allowing for you to easily toggle Spotify from light mode to dark mode.

Compatible with ColorFlow and most other Spotify tweaks.

Brightify is an libre tweak under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or later. You can find the source code at Github

See larger Screenshots below..

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Version 0.3 introduces some more fixes and features.

* Added the ability to disable Noctis integration from Settings; now you can keep Noctis on while still using Brightify's light theme.
* Fixed some visual issues. This *should* fix all of the unreadable or unusable screens in the app.

Development on this tweak will be critical fixes only until June 2017; I encourage anyone who wants to see new features before then to head on over to the repository and make contributions.
Updated April 13, 2017
License Free Package
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