Compatible with iOS 7, 8, 9 and 10
Also try: CallBar iOS 4,5,6"
Dont let incoming calls interrupt you!

New version for iOS 7 & 8 brings dozens of new features!

Notification Center integration, complete call handling for telephony and FaceTime audio calls, completely new UI, bigger and easier to access with instant dismissal with just a swipe and a whole new and complete dialer interface which can actually replace the

CallBar re-designs the incoming call view to allow you to use your device while it's ringing or while in a call. Answer, decline or dismiss a call with ease without stopping what you're doing. You can pick up a call and stay where you are while in any application. Even place calls from anywhere by activating the dialer interface with an activation method of your choice.

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- Fixed an iOS 10 issue where CallBar Contacts Service error was popping up after opening CallBar from shortcut.
- Fixed an iOS 10 issue where screen was dimming at lockscreen even when calls were active.

- Fixed a lock button issue not registering actions on iOS 10

- Fixed an iOS 10.1.1 issue with call handling

- Added iOS 10.x support
- Fixed minor issues
Updated February 9, 2017
License Commercial Package
Suggested Price $ 3.99
Twitter: limneos
Twitter: joshmtucker
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