Supports iOS 11.0 to 11.4

Also available: CallBar (iOS 7 -10)

CallBar X for all iOS 11 iPhones!

CallBar X

Price: $3.99

The so-anticipated tweak is now available!

- Complete call handling for Telephony and FaceTime audio calls, along with all other types of calls including Viber, WhatsApp, Skype etc, completely new UI, easier to access with instant dismissal with just a left swipe and a whole new and complete dialer interface.

- CallBar re-designs the incoming call view to allow you to use your device while it's ringing or while in a call. Answer, decline or dismiss a call with ease without stopping what you're doing. You can pick up a call and stay where you are while in any application. Even place calls from anywhere by activating the dialer interface with an activation method of your choice.

- Several styles to customise appearance. Light, Dark, curved and Concept X , an iPhone X-like style that's been requested a lot so far.

- Supports all iPhones on iOS 11.

See larger Screenshots below..

View All Screenshots

- Fixes activation issues
- Fixes SpringBoard random freeze

- Adds option to disable CallBar X for outgoing calls.
- Adds option to check for updates.
- Adds option to automatically install updates.
- Fixes an issue with Power Down view on iPhone X breaking BioProtect.

- Fixed a crash issue on iOS 11.0.x and some other devices when starting a call.
- Changed FaceTime Video expanded mode to cover the whole screen. Tap on video view to hide controls, tap on CallBar X to collapse.
- Fixed an issue where pressing the lock button while in a connected FaceTime Video call would cause a hang at lockscreen.
- Fixed statusbar visibility in FaceTime Video Native UI.

View All Changes
Updated September 5, 2018
License Commercial Package
Suggested Price $ 3.99
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