Compatible with iPhone and iPad (Cellular)
Compatible with iOS 9

CarDate will replace your Carrier with the current date. It gives you the ability of customizing the date format to give you the look you want!

This is a minor tweak but it can be handy if you are on the go and someone asks you for the today's date. With this tweak, just take a look at the upper left corner of your device, and there it is, the date.

Requested by /u/hackydoo on Reddit.

Features (News):
--- Use the date as your Carrier.
--- Format the Date to give the look you want.
--- Date Format Guide is included in the advanced tab in the settings app.

Tested with:
--- iPhone SE (iOS 9.3.3)
--- iPad Air 2 (iOS 9.1)


Updated October 19, 2016
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