Requires iOS 7
Support iOS7, also ARM64 Device (like iPhone5s)
Also available, CCQuick Pro for iOS8

StatusBar Gesture
Swipe right to lock device in anywhere.
Swipe left to goto Home Screen in Application, and to lock device in Home Screen.
Double Tap to open Multitask.
Hold to Screen Capture.
Hide ControlCenter Sections
You can hide unused section

Customize ControlCenter BackgroundColor by RGB and alpha
Customize CCQuick Pro Buttons.
Add more CCQuick Buttons.
Swipe up on the APP Icon when Portrait, and swipe right on the APP Icon when Landscape.
Hold on to kill background.
Animation and Gesture
You can push the MainView up when ContorlCenter is transition.
Also you can swipe up than original height and drag off to quit app or lock device and you can set the height which activate the gesture functions.

Animation and Gesture!!!!!!
ControlCenter Animation and Gesture, you can push the MainView up when ContorlCenter is show, and swipe up than original height and drag off to quit app or lock device. Also you can set the height which activate the gesture functions.

There are 15 toggles: location, ringer muted, edge, 3G/LTE, vibrate, hotspot, vpn, autobrightness, autolock, locationfaker, airplane, wifi, bluetooth, donotdisturb, orientationlocked.

See feature Screenshots below..

View All Screenshots

compatible with iPhone5s

compatible with iOS 7.1.1

Updated November 7, 2014
License Commercial Package
Suggested Price $ 2.99
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