Requires iOS 7

Only invokes the Notification Center when pulling down from the middle of the status bar; or the Control Center from the middle of the screen bottom.

Configure options from Settings.

No screenshots for this item.

If CenterStage isn't working for you, check the iPad Enabled toggle in the Settings App.


- Removed iPad Toggle, should now work universally with all devices

- /u/Codyd51 (Phillip Tennen) helped clean up the code with this release!

-Fixed CC issues

-Fixed some iPad code conflicting with CC

- New code once again! (Thanks to Evan/ /u/evilGoldFish)

- iPad Support! (with landscape as well!)

- Some general optimizations
- Laid some framework for iPad Support that is coming soon!

- New code again! (Thanks to Evan (/u/evilGoldFish) again!)

- Landscape Support!

Added something special in the Preference Pane for you guys :)

Rewrite of the majority of the code thanks to Evan (/u/evilGoldFish)!

- CenterStage should now work with Auxo 2, the lockscreen and other conflicting tweaks.

- 64bit Preferences should now work flawlessly

- Cleaned up Preferences and added a NC Toggle

And you can now donate to me at through PayPal!

Added CC Toggle.

And yes, preferences are messy

Updated to include CC.

Hopefully fixed some other issues on newer devices that I do not own. -->

Updated September 14, 2014
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