This item is now Free.
Compatible with iOS 8, 9 and 10
With iOS 11 Apple "reinvented" the control center. The new control center now greatly increases its usability by utilising 3D touch to allow access to more features.
For devices without 3D touch capabilities a long press on any 3D touch active section will act as a 3D touch.
ControlCenterXI allows you to "update without updating" and experience the iOS 11 control center.
ControlCenterXI also includes Noctis, FlipControlCenter and "light mode" to better match the iOS 10 "light" aesthetic.
You can configure ControlCenterXI via the Eleven preferences.
ControlCenterXI is part of the Eleven project by LaughingQuoll and Antique_Dev.
Not compatible with Horseshoe, it will be uninstalled.
See larger Screenshots below..