Compatible with iOS 6 - 12
partial compatibility with iOS 8 - 12 (can change artwork for songs with existing artwork)
CoverArtExplorer is the first app that lets you choose the cover art for albums, artists and songs in the music library on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. Simply select the item art you want to change (or select multiple items to change at once) and then select an image from your photo album or choose it from an in-app Google image search. You can even delete artwork you don’t want to have anymore. This app works with music from iTunes match as well as music imported with the popular music importing apps in Cydia (including those using Gremlin like AudioExplorer+), as well as music from iTunes (purchased on-device or synced). It can even change artwork for videos, podcasts and audiobooks. It doesn’t matter if the item already has artwork or never had any artwork.
As this is an app and not a tweak, it runs without any dependencies and therefore is very stable. It has been tested by diligent beta testers running different devices and iOS versions. The app even works in the iOS Simulator!
As there is a problem in iOS 7 with Cydia apps showing up in Springboard after install, please restart (not only respring) your device if you can’t find the app after installing. In other words, “have you tried turning it off and on again”?
Please note that unless the item you’ve changed is going to sync back anyway (for example, with Gremlin), artwork changes do not appear in iTunes (you may also need to adjust some sync settings to stop iTunes from erasing the changes upon syncing, or use selective sync or even turn off music syncing). Also be aware that there are individual images for albums, artists and songs and that you may need to change each individually, or changing one may automatically change the others.
This app is free to try out. If you like it, please purchase a license. This will also remove the ads in the app
See larger Screenshots below..