Protect your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad by turning off the app launch.

Compatible with iOS 7, 8 and 9

New Features:
-Activator Enable
-Activator Disable
-Authentication for Enable
-Authentication for Disable
-Now the Authentication is Encrypted
-CC Quick Launch Section

Old Features:
-Search Selection
-Siri Speech
-Bulletin List
-Bulletin Widget
-Specific Apps
-Authentication with password
-Activator Enable/Disable
-Always Blocked

Note: Old users do not need to buy the app again, just use the paypal email account to activate.
Note 2: If you get null message after buying just write the used email in the text box to retry activation. But if you get it by activating try again.

Video from the first version of DisableLaunch:

See larger Screenshots below

View All Screenshots

-Compatible with iOS 8 & 9
-Now is FREE!!!
Updated June 10, 2016
License Free Package
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