Compatible with iOS 5, 6, 7, 8
Compatible with any iDevice (iPhone & iPod & iPad)

Protect application launch

You don't want people launch applications while your iPhone lie around?

Protect application launch from SpringBoard, Appswitcher and Spotlight!

A statusbar icon will show if application launch protection is enabled.

You can deny the launch of specific applications or even the launch of all applications.

It's also possible to set a passcode to activate, deactivate the protection or to launch an application.

No new icons are added to your homescreen. You can configure the activation event from Activator in Settings app, and further options in the donTouch entry in Settings

-Protect application launch (Homescreen, Appswitcher, Spotlight)
-Activator gesture (Activation, Deactivation)
-Choose specific applications
-Activation/Deactivation hint
-Vibration on deny
-Custom hint on deny
-Exceptions (Lockscreen, Settings, Cydia)
-Passcode (Activation, Deactivation, Launch)
-Activate on unlock
-Statusbar icon

See settings screenshot below..


#added: Enable/Disable Choose Applications option
#added: Choose Applications option
#added: Enable/Disable Activation/Deactivation in alert options
#added: Enable/Disable Vibration in alert options
#added: Enable/Disable Hint in alert options
#changed: Password to passcode
#added: Enable/Disable Activation passcode in security options
#added: Enable/Disable Deactivation passcode in security options
#added: Enable/Disable Launch passcode in security options
#added: Enable/Disable Activate on unlock option
#added: Statusbar icon
#fixed: Support Appswitcher
#fixed: Support Spotlight
Updated February 4, 2015
License Commercial Package
Suggested Price $ 0.99
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