Replaces he settings app's cell labels with some spicy ones

Every cell in the settings app has a specifier. The specifier has an identifier and name. The name property is used as cell title. That's what the tweak alters

When the settings app is opened, the tweak grabs all identifiers and names from specifiers.

Some default values come with the tweak. System values are replaced with those

The tweak saves the IDs and names to a preference file

Edit the preference file and replace the system value to make the tweak show the string you want

Preference is given to user's strings.

How to put custom values
/private/var/mobile/Library /Preferences/xyz.xninja.dopesettings.plist

Example key-value pair looks like


Change the string to anything you want

<string>Shoddy App</string>

Leave the key intact. It's used to identify the specifier

Reset a value

Just make the string empty



compatibility with Preference Organizer
Updated March 27, 2019
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