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Compatible with iOS 9 and 10

Experience a completely new user interface you'd previously had to completely change platforms for.

Edge brings a similar experience to the Samsung S7 side interface to iOS.

With configurable pages, Edge allows you to quickly open recent apps, trigger tasks, access favorite apps as well as quickly accessing favorite contacts.

The favorite apps and recent apps pages allow you to double tap the icon to bring up the app view to quickly interact with the app without having to fully open it. This is truly a faster way of multitasking.

The tasks edge is extensible and adapts to the apps you have installed. Any shortcut item apps have or created using tweaks like Traverse can be used.

The favorite people page allows you to quickly call the person, email them and even quick compose a message on the fly.

With its smooth fade in blur and completely customizable experience, Edge will come to win you over

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This item is now Free.

Updated February 5, 2018
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