This tweak requires users to use two hands when using the device at all times. This tweak is designed for users with Trichotillomania, a disorder that causes one to uncontrollably pick at, or pull their hair out. If you don't have Trichotillomania, then you probably don't need this tweak, unless you prefer requiring two hands to use your device at all times.

If you have any comments, questions, or concerns about this tweak, or about Trichotillomania, please feel free to check out our website at Thank you for the support!

Hands On is disabled by default, to use, please go to Settings and enable it. Adjust the darkness and lightness settings as necessary and please don't hesitate to contact us at for any comments, questions or concerns.


Updated dependencies to include the preference bundle loader for users having issues loading the preferences. Applist is now a dependency required for utilizing the preference bundle, without it, the preferences will fail to load

Added additional settings and controls and improved the battery life performance of the tweak

Updated February 28, 2014
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