This item is now Free.

Compatible with iOS 9

Use the home button to activate a breadcrumb! It's like a back button. But better!

This package is an alternative to slideback and AppSlide. It is essentially a context sensitive home button: if you went to the app you're in from another app, the home button would return you to the previous app. However if you launched the app from another way, it would just take you to the home screen.

Activator is recommended but not required. If activator is installed, it will use that to assign an action to the home/menu button. If activator is not installed, it will hook the menu button press.
You can assign Homemade Bread to another Activator event in addition to the home button.

Warning! This overrides your menu button!


This item is now Free.

Updated December 17, 2018
License Free Package
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