InfoStats 2 is a powerful API, allowing both HTML/JS and Objective-C developers to access system data, and to call functions without the need for reverse engineering.

Supports iOS 6 and higher. Extensive documentation is provided here.

For JavaScript, this package will inject Cycript into all webviews on SpringBoard, allowing you to then leverage the API provided. All tweaks that allow running HTML-based widgets are supported.

For tweaks, the classes provided in this package are available whilst your code is running in SpringBoard.

This package replaces the original InfoStats, and provides its functionality as a legacy feature.


InfoStats 2 provides a large degree of data and functions, grouped together as appropriate. This includes:

☀ Weather
Gives the current temperature, wind speed etc, along with hourly and daily forecasts.

🌍 Location
Retrieves the user's exact location automatically with variable accuracy and distance filtering.

🎧 Media
Provides the currently playing media details, along with the functions needed to control media.

📅 Calendar
Allows for querying events, and updating whenever the user changes calendar details.

✉ Notifications
Provides access to Notification Centre data, updating when new notifications arrive.

📱 Telephony
Includes information about the signal levels for both cellular and WiFi, and so on.

💽 System
Such as CPU, RAM and battery usage, along with various utility functions like launching applications.

More is planned to be added over time.


The idea behind InfoStats 2 is that it allows deep access into iOS' private frameworks, in many cases reducing code required on your part down to a single line.

Furthermore, for those using it in JavaScript, this brings widgets up to a "first-class citizen" standard alongside apps.

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Significant improvements to performance and stability.
Large number of additions to the API.

Please check full changelog for details.
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Updated December 15, 2016
License Free Package
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