InstaEnhancer is the best enhancing tweak for instagaram !

Features so far and will add more in the next updates :

-InstaConfirm (displays a UIAlert when double tapping on a photo to ask if you are sure that you want to like the picture)
-Black Keyboard (change keyboard's color to black)
-Save options (added a save button in the action Sheet under every photo and video that enables saving photos/videos to gallery)
-Bigger font with a Slider to customize the size of text you want
-Number of followers (enter the number of followers you want to appear)
-Number of Following (enter the number of followings you want to appear)
-Number of Likes (enter the number of likes you want to appear under every photo or video)
-Bear in mind that these numbers aren't real they only show in your app the real numbers are stored in their server

feel free to leave a small donation to support my free work it means a lot. I added a button in the preference panel :)

click the "Apply Changes" button in the preference panel to apply the changes made.

make sure you have the latest version of instagram !
don't enabled touch id option if you don't have an idevice equipped with a touch id sensor !

See larger Screenshots below..

View All Screenshots

added support to latest instagram version
added touch id protection for the app . enter password option is not working !

make sure you have the latest version of instagram !
don't enabled touch id option if you don't have an idevice equipped with a touch id sensor !
Updated February 20, 2015
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