Instrucciones en Español incluidas abajo!

Compatible on iOS 7 & 8 on iPhone and iPad!

The best screen dimming and brightening solution is the one that lets you adjust your brightness without even looking at your screen! It is the quickest, most ergonomic and intuitive brightness dimmer that exists!

Save battery, don't worry about pulling out your iPhone in a movie theater, nor concern yourself with pulling out your iPad at night only to find out by blinding yourself that it was at full brightness! Ahhh!

Finally, stop having to mess around with the unpredictably useful Control Centre!

Light Bright is the easiest and quickest way to adjust the brightness on your iPhone or iPad!


Simply hold down the Home Button as you press the up or down volume buttons to brighten or dim your screen!

For EVEN faster adjustments:

Hold down the home button and toggle the mute switch to set to maximum or minimum brightness!

You can change the brightness from the lock screen, within an app, or the springboard!

No settings to adjust.

After installation just hold the home button and use the volume buttons to adjust brightness!

Compatible con versiones 7 & 8 de iOS para iPhone y iPad!

La mejor solución para regular el brillo de la pantalla de tu iPhone o iPad es Light Bright! Ni siquiera occupas fijarte a tu pantalla para regular el brillo! Light Bright es la solución para regular el brillo que es la mas rapida, ergonómica, e intuitivo que existe!

Ahorra bateriá, no te preocupes por sacar tu iPhone en el cine, ni te preocupes por sacar tu iPad para leer en la noche y cegarte a ti mismo! Con Light Bright, puedes regular el brillo bien rapido utilizando los botones de el iPhone!

Light Bright es la manera mas rapida para regular el brillo de tu iPhone o iPad!


Simplemente detiene el Home Button y ajusta el brillo de tu pantalla presionando los botones de volumen!

Para ajustar el brillo todavia mas rapido:

Detiene el Home Button y ajusta el conmutador de silencio para ajustar el brillo a lo maximo o minumo!

No hay mas ajustes que eso, es muy facil para usar!

Despues que installes Light Bright, simplemente presiona el home button y usa los botones de volumen para ajustar el brillo!


Fixed a bug that prevented Control Centre and Light Bright's UI from being synced

Spanish Instructions included in description.

Updated July 8, 2015
License Commercial Package
Suggested Price $ 1.50
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