Compatible with iOS 4 and iOS 5

Please contact the developer for a trial version

This version of Mail Enhancer will be updated at the end of May, adapting (a limited amount) of features from Mail Enhancer Pro. Please be patient. Currently, for iOS 5.x users it is suggested to use Mail Enhancer Pro or wait until May, when the update for this version is available

Also available: Mail Enhancer Pro

Multiple signatures, Custom Notifications, Quiet Hours, Highlighting, Show unread / flagged (iOS 5) messages only, HTML usage.

Full feature list:
- Quickly show all / only unread (iOS 4 and 5) or flagged (iOS 5) mails in one single tap!
- Select All / Deselect All mails
- Account highlighting in Inboxes makes it easy to distinguish your different accounts
- Add a signature for every mail address, including special signatures to use for replying or forwarding an email (even In-App signatures)
- Signature will be added automatically to every new mail, reply, forward
- Quickly swap sending email addresses and its signature
- Use HTML in your signatures
- Use HTML code in mail compose
- Custom notifications for incoming mail (vibrate x-times, popup, custom sound, speech announcement)
- Custom notifications for low- / high priority accounts
- Customize the notification text
- Notifications will contain the sender's name or email address
- Choose iTunes Ringtones as "incoming mail" sound
- Sound / Speech can be enabled for silent mode or while in a phone call
- Use custom volume for your notifications
- Set up Quiet Hours wherein you won't be disturbed by sound or voice notifications
- Speech can be selected to speak only when headphones are used
- Speech can speak the senders name and number of incoming mails
- Select the voice according to your locale
- Use volume buttons to quickly mute the Mail Enhancer sounds (like

Please note: Currently, only English is supported until I've got time to include the translations. You can - of course - set up your custom templates though!

Thanks for your support!

Check out the screenshots and video demo below for details.

You can configure options from your Settings app.

See further below for Screenshots

View All Screenshots

Added: Theme Support (adjusted the package identifiers) Fixed: Push mail notifications Fixed: No notifications issue Fixed: iPod volume down to zero after notification Fixed: Speech not working when "only headset" was selected on iOS 5+ Fixed: VolumeHUD showing sometimes Fixed: Message Filter glitches while leaving and reentering a mailbox Fixed: Quiet Hours for all timezones Fixed: Inbox view on iPad deferred after orientation change Fixed: Signature not being added when adding photos from
Updated April 2, 2012
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Suggested Price $ 2.99
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