Compatible with iOS 8, 9 and 10

MessageHeads brings Facebook’s Chat Head style chat bubbles to the Messages app.

* Enable globally with option to disable on lockscreen
* Mute option for conversations
* Two docking options
* Top
* Side
* Two activator actions
* Hide/show conversations
* Quick Compose
* Normal and Dark Mode
* Color customization options

* If you use SmartClose, make sure that you turn off Messages under the "Enabled Apps" section

* Using MessageHeads in conjunction with TypeStatus can sometimes cause MMSs to not be sent.


Configure options from Settings.

See larger Screenshots below..

View All Screenshots

- MessageHeads now supports WhatsApp version 2.17.7
- Fixed issue where typing with would cause extreme lag for some users
- Viewing a conversation in the Messages app will now mark the chat head as having been read and no longer appear to have unread messages
Updated March 1, 2017
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