Support framework for accessing the iPod library
To use the library: How To
Source code at: Github
*** WARNING ***
If you are an iPhone 4/iPod Touch 4G user, you will have to patch your device in order to get this working. To do so, follow the instructions below. (if you have already done this for MFMusicLibrary,
that's fine, you don't have to repeat it).
1. Open the /System/Library/ Lockdown/Checkpoint.xml file on your device with any text, xml or plist editor (MyFile or iFile should be fine). Then search for the key DBVersion and change its corresponding value from 5 to 4 and save the file.
2. Reboot your iPhone/iPod Touch
3. Sync with iTunes
This is a developer library. This package might not be useful for regular users (like you ;p)
Please see for details. Developers, please see GitHub: