MusessionsImporter is an add-on for Musessions

iOS 7 - 10.2

…::Musessions Importer::...

This FREE add-on package allows you to import music into the stock Music app even if that track isn't on the Apple Music Subscription catalog. This also enables those without Apple Music subscription to import tracks into the Music app as well!

Installing this also adds an interface within Musessions to view iTunes song search results, along with available streams, for manually selecting the version/quality you prefer to import.

If multiple iTunes results are found, most likely remixes, you can swipe through them and perform a new search on the selected match by pulling down. This can be a great way to find great remixes and add them to your library as well!

-Apple Music Not Required*
Import songs into Music app even if it is not available on the iTunes Store. The converted local metadata and artwork will be used automatically.

-All About That Metadata
Use the converted metadata and artwork, the official metadata used by iTunes, or manually enter the desired track information.

*This package adds an additional interface to the Musessions settings panel within the Settings app.
*This package adds an additional interface to the Musessions application.

Dependencies: Musessions, JODebox


Updated August 7, 2017
License Free Package
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