Note: You can purchase this app direct from the developer's website while it's temporarily unavailable from the Cydia Store. Details here.

NES/Famicom emulator based on FCEUX-2.1.5-svn. Significantly more accurate than other NES emulators for iOS especially with regards to audio quality. Requires iOS 3.1+ and natively supports iPad and iPhone 5 displays. Tested running 60fps on the iPhone 4/4S (3GS or newer recommended).

Features include:
* Backup memory and save state support, auto-save and ten manual slots for save states. State files from FCEUX should work on NES.emu and vice-versa.
* Supports ROM-based games in .nes and .unf formats, optionally in .zip files
* Famicom Disk System emulation using .fds files (select your BIOS in the options first)
* VS UniSystem support, push Start to insert coins
* Zapper/Gun support, touch screen to fire, touch & hold outside of display area to simulate firing away from the TV
* Configurable on-screen multi-touch controls
* iCade, Wiimote + Classic Controller, Wii U Pro Controller, PS3 Controller, iControlPad, and Zeemote support (view setup info)
* Portrait/Landscape auto-orientation support

Transfer games to your device using SSH or other file transfer method (The recommended location is any directory under /var/mobile/Documents or /var/mobile/Media). Make sure the "mobile" user has write access to the directory for save functionality. If possible use a program that mounts your device over USB like iExplorer (Windows & OSX), or ifuse (Linux) to speed up transfers.

Visit the homepage (below) at for more info, ports for other platforms, and my other apps

This package comes with no games included. Do not contact the author for ROM images. This is an emulator, and requires ROM images. No ROMs are included.

See the Video Demonstration below.

See More Info below for Screenshots

More Information

* Fixed BTstack connection issues
* Improved audio re-sampling accuracy
* Added more options to control frame rate and color quality
Updated May 22, 2015
License Commercial Package
Suggested Price $ 5.99
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