Compatible with iOS 8
Not compatible with iPad

Also available, Nightmode for iOS 9

Also available, Nightmode for iOS 7

Nightmode 8 offers a means to elegantly reduce the brightness of many applications on iOS 8. Nightmode 8 is a refactor of the original Nightmode with added functionality and a wide variety of improvements. It offers users the option to set one an amount of predefined colour schemes and alternatively the option to create their own colour profile. Most importantly Nightmode 8 offers improvements in stability and extends compatibility to more applications.

It includes support for both first and third-party applications and has a variety of options. Nightmode can be toggled and scheduled with an Activator or Flipswitch action which offers clean integration with regular usage.

*Support for iOS 8.
*Works with basic emails.
*Vastly improved colourisation methods.
*Selectable colour schemes.
*User defined colours.
*Brightness levels are retentive.
*A lot of bugfixes.

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•Prevent exclusion base-paths from excluding SpringBoard.
•Method added to UIApplication to determine if Nightmode is enabled - (BOOL)nightmodeTweakIsEnabled. Can be accessed by other tweaks/apps.

• Ability to dim icons when Nightmode is enabled.
• Dim control centre when Nightmode is enabled.
• Forbid hooking methods in applications which are not in "regular" application directories.
• Invert colours on more apps (Skype and others should now work).
• Bug fixes.

Updated November 16, 2015
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