Compatible with iOS 8

Also available, Orangered (iOS 7)

Reddit push notifications for everyone.

Orangered seamlessly connects your device to Reddit, as quickly, securely, and flexibly as possible. With an impressive list of supported clients, and extensive, straightforward options, you'll never feel closer to your inbox. Set up recurring inbox checks, or simply trigger Orangered with built-in Activator support (or manually in Settings). Every time you have unread messages, you'll receive full-feature, native notifications from your Reddit client of choice.

Built with love and care by Julian Weiss and the Rinse Developer collective.Supports all devices running iOS 8. Source available on Github

Currently supports (in order of precedence): Alien Blue, Alien Blue HD, beam, narwhal, Feedworthy, Biscuit, Cake, Reddme, Aliens, amrc, Redditor, BaconReader, Reddito, Karma, Redd, Upvote, Flippit, MyReddit, Mars, OJ Free, OJ, Karma Train, iAlien

See larger Screenshots below..

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- Fixed issue where Activator actions wouldn't work with Never selected
- Fixed issue where Safari and other notification-less clients wouldn't show notifications

- Full iOS 8+ compatibility (sorry for the delay!)
- Optimized Preferences pane and improved appearance
- Added and grouped several options for easier and better access to your Reddit inbox
- Improved Sound detail and tinting in Preferences
- Better Cephei, Activity Indicator, Security implementation (including a few less logs)
- General improvements and tidiness, enjoy Orangered for 2 years in a row! :)

Updated July 12, 2015
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