PanicRoom is here for all your cleaning and deleting needs! PanicRoom can clear all your personal needs, such as: SMS/MMS, All Email Accounts, All Phone Logs, All Photos, Safari History, Visual Voicemail, Notes, Calendar, and the Syslog. Users have a choice to do one out of the 9 methods, or press the 'Remove All' button to quickly remove each item that the user picks from settings. If cleaning all your information isn't the approach you're looking for, then how about a 'Panic Button'. The Panic Button places a black screen on top of every single application, disables the home button, and allows the sleep button to only put the device to sleep. Finally, a fast reboot and resping button.

- Enable from the Settings application.
- Choose a method from 'PanicRoom Show'.
- You can choose to have the 'Panic Button' and 'Remove All' buttons enabled/disabled.
- You can choose the actions for 'Remove All Settings'.
- Choose to have 'Corner Press Clear' put in the top left for closing the PanicButton window.
- To disabled the 'Panic Button'; the user picks one of the 'PanicButton Close' methods inside Settings

Winterboard to replace the images at: Bundle/ com.nakedproductions.panicroom/
Winterboard Themes downloadable from Cydia

Featured Themes: PanicRoom CLASSified

** You MUST choose a 'PanicButton Close' method for the 'PanicButton', or choose the 'Top Left Clear' to close it properly!

** All items get premaritally deleted and cannot be restored from the phone. You must sync with iTunes to return all your information to the state it was at before the deletion. **

See More Info below for screenshots.

More Information

    v 2.0
  • New Graphics
  • New Icon
  • Updated to 4.x
  • Bug Fixes
Updated December 28, 2010
License Commercial Package
Suggested Price $ 0.99
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