Compatible with iOS 11 to 15.

Thought and Better Suited for the Notched Devices but Working on others too.

PercentTimePulsate is a Neat Tweak that Allows to Create a New Button Showing the Actual Battery Level and Time instead of the Default End Editing Done Button in SpringBoard!

The Tweak Performs a Smooth Animation when Switching from Battery to the Time and Viceversa!

Therefore PercentTimePulsate Gives the Opportunity to Have Under Control the Battery and Time States When in Editing Icons Mode too!

No options to Configure.

See Screenshots below.

Thanks a lot my Friend and Dev Olivier Crespo for the Help with the Code about Making this Tweak Flawless, without Him this could not have happened!

Thanks a lot also my Friend @SunnysTTV for Testing this Tweak on A13 Device.

Feel free to contact me via Mail or via Twitter @CydiaGeek, enjoy it, thanks! :)

Donations would be greatly appreciated!

“L’Italia vuole aiutare a fare la pace su tutta la terra.
L’Italia vuole la pace perché la pace è un seme
che cresce solo se gli uomini imparano a vivere insieme.“


- Updated for the Rootless Jailbreak Types.
Updated April 12, 2023
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