°Fixed a bug with apps settings.
Now you can add infinite Tags.
°Bug fixes and improvements.
°Now you can change the icon of a Tag from "PreferenceTag->Tags->Your Tag";
°Added the ability to rearrange your Tag content.
°Added support for Italian language ( if you want to translate email me: gabriele.filipponi@yahoo.it )
°Added a small button under "PreferenceTag->General->Info->User Guide" that reset all of you Tags
°Fixed a bug that cause the crash of Preference app.
°Added "Pull to Refresh" to the main page ( "Remove all tabs " ) of the Preference app.
°Added the ability to rearrange the position of your Preferences.
°Added support for iPad ( some features like "Search Box", "organizing the position" aren't present on the iPad version. )
°Now you can edit your Tags contents withouth having to go "Preference Tag->Tags->Your Tag".
°Added a search box at the top of every Tag folder;
°Added new system for icons: now have a list of default icon for your Tag.
°Added share button to tweet a small review of this package.
°Added credit page.
°Added the ability to change the name of PreferenceTag.
°Added a new splash screen for new users.
°Added some new icon.
°Bug fixes and improvements.