Only for iOS 7 - For iOS 8, please install Programmable SMS (iOS 8).

Allows you to create, modify and delete Activator actions to send text messages.

Some basic use examples;

Scheduled texts - bind a message to 'scheduled' event in activator.

Auto reply to 'X' - bind a message to 'received message from X' event to auto reply.

'Joined/left x wifi' - send messages based on the wifi 'location'.

Configure text message actions from Settings app. Bind actions in Activator.

Requires iOS 7.

Configure options from Preferences.


-Should now properly be able to create/update/delete activator actions again

-fixed enable/disable tweak toggle
-updated package ids to try and fix dependency issue

-Improved 'Send To' names (will now show last name if there is no first name).
-Now allows email addresses to be selected as well as phone numbers
-Fixed 'Auto-Disable' - it will now correctly disable a message after sending.

Updated November 24, 2014
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