Requires iOS 8.
Compatible with iPhone 4s/iPhone5-5c-5s/iPhone6/iPhone6Plus/iPod.
Check out QuickMusic (iOS 7)
This update is free for all the users who purchased QuickMusic iOS 7 version.
What other thought about QuickMusic for iOS 7?
*"QuickMusic Must Have Cydia Tweak: Music Tweak of 2014" by "";
*"QuickMusic is now one of my favorite jailbreak tweaks and offers a unique functionality that will make you fall in love the moment you start using the tweak." by "idownloadblog".
Now it's time to updgrade:
QuickMusic 2 offers to you a new way to listen to your Music in your iPhone/iPod.
With this package you can control your Music with two simple gesture: drag your Music icon or by an Activator gesture.
QuickMusic 2 interface is simple to understand: in the main page you have NowPlaying info and music control button like play/stop, next/back;
If you do a swipe from left to right you can access all of your Albums; while if you do a swipe from right to left you can see a list of all of your Songs.
QuickMusic 2 is fully customizable: you can change the blur effect, tint color, font color ect.
When installed for first time open QuickMusic 2's pref page to do a small Setup and Tutorial.
See larger Screenshots below..