Compatible with iOS 8

ReachWeather puts the current weather conditions in your Reachability view (on supported devices).

How to use ReachWeather
* Navigate to Settings > ReachWeather
* Type in your city name into the space provided and hit "Return".
* Hit the "Back" button.
* You can now activate Reachability (by double-tapping TouchID) and view your current weather conditions while in any app.

Configure options from Settings.


Version 1.3.1-1:
* Improved compatibility with 4-inch screens
* Fixed issues with the right highs/lows not showing

Version 1.3-1:
* Custom colors for title and detail colors
* Forecast view (3- or 5-day)

Version 1.2-1:
* Activator support
* Fixed issue where city name text would not size correctly
* Fixed weather data requests so that high and low temps displayed are ACTUALLY high and low temps
* Added check to prevent 404 error/City not found crash

Version 1.1-2:
*Added clock page
*More detailed explanations of settings
*Better way of dealing with Reachability reset

Updated December 22, 2014
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