Compatible with iOS 9 - 13.

Record any app's screen with/without microphone commentary, using system ReplayKit framework, at native resolution and 60fps.

Start the recording by assigning a gesture in Activator.

ReplayKit will always record the sound from app, as the record confirmation only asks if you want to enable addition microphone commentary.

If the preview didn't pop up, you can always find the recordings in directory /var/mobile/Library/ReplayKit

This tweak is open sourced on Github

Configure Activator from Settings.

兼容iOS 9 & 10

已在 iPhone SE (iOS 9.3.2) 及 iPod 6 (iOS 10.2) 上进行过测试

感谢@幻光 在iOS10上协助测试



如果录制预览没有正常显示,你可以在 /var/mobile/Library/ReplayKit 目录中找到录制的视频



Configure options from Settings.

If you find the tweak helpful please consider Donation


i Added settings for not stopping when leaving an app

Actual support arm64e

- 1.7.7
Support iOS 13
Updated July 4, 2020
License Free Package
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