Turns off 3G when locked or connected to WiFi. Also includes a 3G flipswitch to use with Control Center tweaks.

Please be aware that this tweak can only work if your carrier supports 3G and Edge modes.

Configure options from Settings.

If you are having crashes, please install CrashReporter from Cydia and send me the crash log and syslog.


If you were using a previous version of Rubik, you need to enable it in settings again and select your supported data rate.

- Added support for 4G / LTE. Please test using LTE flipswitch before installing Rubik. If your device freezes or crashes, this means you can't use 4G / LTE support.

- Added an option for enabling 3G / 4G immediately after unlocking.

- Added an option to disable WiFi when not connected.
Updated January 23, 2015
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