Requires iOS 7.1 or later.

this tweak brings some cool features to safari

-unlimited tabs
-full screen
-blocks java script/popups
-no smart banners
--download web pages as PDF
-play videos inline
-black keyboard
-reading lists and bookmarks Adjustments

but thats not all ! i am still working on bringing you a nice theme to safari :)

Configure options from Settings.

No Screenshots for this item.


-status bar not showing on springboard
-all apps going fullscreen
-preference pane crashing issues
-when disable rotation toggle is on all apps stops rotating

-added disable rotation toggle

-iOS 8 compatibility
-bug fixes
-new icon

NOTE: when the status bar on springboard is gone or all your apps goes fullscreen thats caused by the cydia substrate since its not stable yet when saurik updaates it this bug will be gone ( bug for ios 8 users only)

Updated October 30, 2014
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