Quickly swipe to switch tabs in Safari.

Safari's tab switcher is very pretty but all of its animations make it unnecessarily slow.

SafariSwiper lets you quickly switch between tabs simply by swiping left or right on the toolbar (the bar with the back/forward, share, bookmarks buttons) to instantly switch tabs.

Source code available at GitHub

Compatible with iOS 8.2 - 8.4 on all device sizes (though it's less useful on large devices which show a tab bar anyway).

Configure options from Settings.


* Improved appearance - the grey background behind the tab is replaced with a blurred view of the home screen.
* Swipe sensitivity is now configurable in Settings.app.
* Looping between the first and last tab is now a configurable switch (as suggested by Dtt255).
* Improved compatibility with Sleipnizer.
Updated September 14, 2015
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