Compatible with iOS 9

Requires Alien Blue 2.9.8 or higher

Adds extra features to Alien Blue, the official Reddit client for iOS.

Free trial for 7 days

Key features include:
- Complete Synccit integration (
- Live preview of comment or self post text
- Auto complete for subreddit search (manual subreddit entry)
- Ability to swipe back while in the settings


Fixed Alien Blue crash when trying to reply to a post or comment

Added option to enable or disable text live preview and search autocomplete
Added option to show coloured borders around text field to better distinguish it from live preview box
Text now uses user-chosen theme colour

Fixed offline subreddit autocomplete not working
Fixed post titles being white with night node deactivated
Fixed crash for some users when starting Alien Blue
Fixed crash for some users when opening up Alien Blue settings
Fixed live preview box not properly adjusting after tapping on status bar

Fixed Alien Blue sometimes crashing when opening settings

Updated December 23, 2015
License Commercial Package + Free Trial
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