Compatible with iOS 6, 7 and 8

This is an awesome tweak that allows you to scroll to the bottom of a scroll view and not just the top! Simply by pressing the right side if the status bad, the view scrolls to the bottom. By pressing the left side, the view scrolls to the top. The centre between the right and left side isn't always halfway in between due to the way the tweaked function works. Therefore, it is recommended for you to touch the alert bar from places that aren't that near to the middle of the status bar. There are no settings to edit to enable this tweak as it is enabled right after installation. This tweak is compatible with ios 7 and should be compatible with ios 8 too. If you experience any bugs, please email me using the contact developer section.

Configure options from Settings.

No Screenshots for this item.


1- removed an alert that was supposed to represent a future feature that I decided to not introduce since it wasn't efficient
2- fixed a bug where the keyboard would sometimes not be displayed on the mobile application
3- fixed a big which caused the Evernote app to crash
4- fixed some minor orientation issues
Updated February 27, 2015
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