Compatible with iOS 7, 8, 9 and 10

Enable Slo-mo video capture introduced in iPhone 5s for unsupported devices, and customize it.

With this tweak, you can:
- Set the maximum Slo-mo FPS, either from Settings or directly in camera app.
- Force all videos as Slo-mo.
- Set Slo-mo slow factor.
- Set the volume of Slo-mo slow part.
- Fake FPS indicator value in Slo-mo mode.
- Auto hide FPS indicator when recording in Slo-mo.
- Export an actual Slo-mo video using "Save Slo-mo" button in the video editor.

Configure from Settings.

Important Note:
- iPhone 4/4s and iPad 2/3/4 devices DO NOT support 60 FPS Slo-mo due to hardware limitation. Their maximum are capped to 30 FPS. There is no way to remove this limitation yet.
- Incorrect and unsupported Slo-mo FPS value causes camera crashing or stop working. (The alerts will warn you)

Open-source tweak: on Github


Version: 1.5.4
- Fix crash on iOS 9.3+
Updated August 7, 2017
License Free Package
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