Compatible with iOS 8 and iOS 9 (tested on iPhone 5/6 running iOS 9 and on iPhone 6 running iOS 8).

I have not tested on iPad yet but i fear it does not work there. Please bring back to me, thanks.

SmartBanners is my new tweak that makes your Banners smarter and cuter!

The tweak is born with six options to Enable/Disable:

1) Disable Icons From Banners: it disables Icons from Banners Notifications.

2) Disable Tap To Dismiss Feature: it disables the "Tap To Dismiss" option in Quick Reply Banners.

3) Disable Quick Reply Feature: it disables the Quick Reply feature (Banners can still be pulled down).

4) Disable All Banners To Be Shown: it disables all Banners to be shown.

5) Disable Banners Wallpaper: it disables (hides) the Background of the App or HomeScreen when the Notifications arrive.

6) Force Banners Visible: it forces the Notifications Banners to remain visible until a manual dismiss, the Screen dims, current Screen is left and the Device is locked.

Disable/Enable and respring in Settings after the installation to take effect (a Confirmation Button will appear to respring the Device.)

Feel free to contact me via Mail or via Twitter @CydiaGeek, i hope you like it, thanks! :)


Version 0.0.1-26
- Completely redesigned and redefined the Settings Panel of the Tweak.
Updated November 7, 2016
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