SocialEnhancer10 is an updated version of the original 'Social Enhancer' tweak for IOS 7/8.
SocialEnhancer10 works on iOS 10 only!

Tweak features:
-Unlock All sharing options for all Stock Applications And for some third party apps. new third party app supports arrive in every new update of the tweak.

-select and send unlimited amount of photos/attachments in tthese applications bellow:
iOS mail (long vidoes also)
-facebook messenger(unlimited thumbs also)
-yahoo mail

more features and app compatibility will come in each new update

Tweak has no options to configure


-fixed an issue that caused thumbs/likes in messenger app to get grayed out
-added support for iBooks (more sharing options)
-removed unused/ non functional code
-other fixes...
more coming soon
Updated February 15, 2017
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